Saturday, June 23, 2012

28mm Offensive Miniature British Rifleman

Hello Folks,

After looking at the voting, I can not contain my excitement even though I know the result is not in...  I don't care.  I decide to start working on it anyway LOL~

British Rifle is one of my favorite unit in Napoleonic era and I'm glad I finally paint one.

The contempt and grimy look

 Facial detail

Original sculpt

 hand painted numbers.

The challenge this time is all about the face.  I am no longer satisfied with the blank stare.  So I decide to paint face with expression from now on.

After careful consideration with his posture, I decide to give this gent an arrogance look.  With the British long and proud history of military tradition, this fellow is defiant and contempt of the mighty French empire.

As a clinical painter (I love clean work),  This time I decide to add some mud to the trouser.  Mixing baking soda and paint, I paint it to simulate mud with texture.  However, I decide to only paint mud on one knee.  Logically, we humans usually kneel on the same knee.  Afterall, we are creatures of habit.

Offensive Miniatures did an excellent job on their figures.  IMHO they are good is because the animation of the sculptures are believable and natural, not to mention interesting.  However, if you want to push the even further then watch out for the missing details such as buckles and cuff buttons.  Also, this figure is a tad smaller than Perry and Victrix figures.

As you can see, the Offensive Miniature figure is smaller next to Victrix plastic.

How ever, I don't think it makes too much difference for gamers. But you can clearly see the difference. Since I only have one set from OM, I can not speak for other figures from their company.

The reason I have not done the base is because I decide to custom order them.  Once they arrived I will build them.

Anyways, rambling on again. but hopefully this explain my train of thought.  Whether plain or complex uniform, there is always a challenge waiting for us.

Best regards,



  1. Wow! Fantastic work - captured the facial features superbly. Best, Dean

    1. Thank you Dean,

      The feeling is mutrual. I love those lancers you painted. The craftsmanship and shear force makes together make me very envious.

      Warm regards,


  2. LOL I did the same thing with my voting pannell cannot wait must start the most popular first (it was sleep more but that dosent matter)

    1. Brother James,

      LOL yeah you know. I'm like you, I get impatient so I just gun it lol~


  3. Excellent work, hard to accept this is 28mm work, I shudder to think what you would produce in 90mm!!!


  4. Wow! that is some great work with the brush!

  5. Offensive miniatures lol. He really looks offended... ;-) Excellent paintjob btw!


  6. Thank you gents for the kind comments. Very humble by your encouragement and much appreciated!


  7. Amazing, you did it again with the face! The shadows in the trousers are top notch.


  8. What a great face, offensive are a little small in all their ranges but good sculpts though!

    1. Hi Angry Lurker,

      You are correct sir. Indeed very beautiful figures. But the pleasure of admiring the sculpt outweights the size. Did not bother me a bit.

      Warm regards,


  9. Great face work mate, offensive miniatures are small but good sculpts....

  10. So much character, brilliant choice of colors and and and.

    If I was a miniature, then I'd want you guys to paint me. :)

  11. The face expression is fantastic Ben! You're the "Master"!


  12. Well after this I can better stop painting.... AMAZING!!!
    The face is so cool, just a big respect from me!
